Al-Hilal was one of the Saudi Professional League clubs who were attempting to land Tottenham Hotspur superstar forward Heung-Min Son in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the latest transfer window.

Latest reports have suggested that The Spurs are desperate but relaxed over the future of their South Korean striker, as they have the option to renew his current contract for an additional year, so until 2026.

Now, the Saudi journalist Bandar Al-Dubaikhi has responded through the microphones of the program “Al-Hassad Al-Korawi” to some hypothesis about whether Al-Hilal can sign an Asian player in the winter transfer period, and has disclosed an interesting transfer background!

Al-Dubaikhi has revealed that all the Asian players who interest Al-Hilal are actually playing in the English Premier League, and that it is unlikely to see The Blues sign a player from the continent of Asia in the winter, because the clubs of those players prefer to wait until the end of the season rather than lose their stars in the mid-season.

It is worth mentioning that the notable Asian players in the Premier League are led by Heung-Min Son, Kaoru Mitoma, Takehiro Tomiyasu and Hee-Chan Hwang, with Son being previously been assured to be on the plans of the club. Other than Son, it remains to be seen who are the other Asian players on the list of Al-Hilal.

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